I can really relate to the picture in this release post — though I’m sure my reasons for a reaction of this kind are totally different than Tsubasa’s reasons. I won’t bore you with my reasons, but I’m not going to tell you about Tsubasa’s reasons either. You’ll have to download these eps to find out for yourself why Tsubasa had this reaction. Speaking of these eps…
We’ve done it once, and now we’re doing it again — another batch release! This time, we’re releasing four episodes for your viewing pleasure. With the release of these episodes, we’re are SO close to finishing this series! So, I hope you’ll stick with us until the remaining three eps are released!

MD5: 2cadc5ca07167266161e32ab23c72a4a

MD5: 4941c78c3b54064536004dd1ee5a6dd4

MD5: b5f74d813af38c3fbce6432a61cd2e1f

MD5: 0e584ec484500df01e871afa7c647647
That’s great Saizen staff .. I really planned to play football this afternoon, and with four episodes of Tsubasa .. I’ll be sure to win no matter what 😀
Thanks again and have a nice life all of you ^__^.
Woo-hoo! Well done guys nearly finished!
aww Torianna-san, Everything ends .. so smile upon new chances in this life.
Hi people!
Thanks for these awesome releases, I’m new watching Captain Tsubasa 2002, but where can I find the older episode (I think from 1 to your releases)
Sorry for any trouble…
Take care guys!
The easiest way is to download them from saizen’s bot at rizon.
Or try this torrent:
It looks to be alive.
great job, but what after CT2002? Shin CT? 😉
pozdro z Polski
Probably nothing after the ct movues we’re currently doing.