Hi kids!
In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve been releasing episodes while the site was down. We even managed to make it all the way to the final episode, yay! Not to spoil anything, but this looks like one of those series that didn’t get enough money, ratings, story ideas or whatever for it to go for multiple seasons, so we hope you enjoy what’s available here.
Edit sangofe. I just wanted to give due staff credits for this final CTJ newspost:
Translator: kokujin-kun.
Timers: KmE, sangofe.
Editor: kokujin-kun.
Typesetters: juggen, KmE, Sutai.
Quality checkers: kaiser, sangofe.
Encoder: Puto.
First one to reply on the new site :D, thanks for your hard work guys and wish you pleasant future
It’s not really new, heh, but thanks for your comment.
And welcome back!
Waiting for more CT2002 =)
Welcome back! The unwashed masses still love you all.
Thanks, ds_f and Junglist. As for 2k2… We’ll see. I’ve said it before, and it seems like I need to say it again: we don’t really have the same team on 2k2, and the 2k2 team is much more busy in real life.
thanx god you re still up thought you were gone and thanx for cap tsubasa J hope you can complete joe soon!!!!
you must be the oldest fangroup still running, long live saizen!!!!!!
No seed?
I was at %73. Too bad, I was so close to have fun for I am madly in love with Captain Tsubasa.
But thanks for your great efforts please keep up the good work.
Hellos from Istanbul!
Leech it from here for now
Thanks ninjacloud, I managed to download them all. I have watched the first episode already. It was so much fun. Thanks guys.
(Aoi is the best!
I’ve noticed staff the CTJ batch is undeeded.
And now Juggen’s seeding, so please use our link from nyaa.
I’m always seeding it. Not 24/7, but every day it’s seeded. Not sure what you smoking, bro.
if you can translate captain tsubasa 1983-1986 anime
We probably wont.
First of all, I have been longing/looking for Captain Tsubasa J English subs forever! Thank you SO MUCH for this!! Amazing!!
Will you be subbing the rest(ep. 1-34) also? Those were the best ones!
We wont.
Thanks a lot. I’ve been looking for this for about three years.
BTW, can you please tell from what point to what point eps 1-34 go? From Tsubasa first comes to Nankatsu? And till Tsubasa ends middle school and goes to Brazil? Or even till the end of U-16?
There are no english subs for 1-34, but these episodes are covered by the first Tsubasa series that’s subbed by #frenchies-subs
i don’t know about the details of the story, sorry bro.
Thank you so much for subbing this anime !
Just one question, what is the 47th episode about ? According to wikipedia, the last episode is supposed to be “Saikyô no shin Zen Nippon Youth”, which is the title for your episode 46.
I couldn’t find anything on youtube for “mesase 2002”.
Sirr i want episode 1 until 34 !!! Can i get it ?? please

i want it . . The first i download i just get Spain DUB. Please i want episode 1 – 34
Sure, you could go buy the DVDs.
why must buy (T_T) if you have, can i get it. Just for download, haha
Can you release RAW episodes 1-34 ?
No, and we don’t have.
hi is it possible to seed this batch for like 2 days maximum?
the download speed is so low, ive been downloading the first 5 episodes for like 5 days now.
tnx in advanced
I’ll try to ask the raw provider when he comes online again.
I’m always seeding this, at least from 10:00-01:00 CET. If you have bad download speeds it’s probably your own connection’s fault.
idk, im downloading it with my vps in england with 10mbps speed
and im getting 8 kbps max. well ill dl it with ftp on vps later to my system, but the problem is that the vps is also having some hard time on downloading
well i guess i cant do anything about it if its the seeder’s fault, ur doing ur job, so i guess i have to wait about a week to download 40-47
thumbs up anyway
Well, I’m seeding to a guy in the UK right now with 250kb/s, so yeah, not my fault. ^^
You can always try our xdcc bot on IRC btw.
well i finished downloading, donno the speed might have increased while i was gone, anyway thanks again. oh and a question: do u know where i can get the raws?
No. Look around.
-_- well i did look around, all are tv crap quality
can anyone seed this torrent ?
im at 2.60 gb please
from which episode of which season this photo was snapped ?!!
I guess it’s the last ep of Captain Tsubasa J as they wear the Japanese uniform, hope I am right there.
Now on BakaBT:
thank u so much
All of the torrents of Captain Tsubasa J are dead please repair it
There are two seeders right now.
Torrent is dead. Anyone can seed? I will keep it alive as long as I can after download.
Try this new link, if it doesn’t work then try to get them from the irc bot.