Captain Tsubasa J – 35

More baaaaallsss! About time to come out (of the closet) with some fresh balls episodes.

Episode 1-33 aren’t worth doing, since they’re just recaps of episodes already covered by CT2002 and the orginal series, and ep34 is just a summary of those episodes. So we’re starting with episode 35, bringing you new material only.

CCCP icon[Saizen]_Captain_Tsubasa_J_-_35_[DVD][DAA5E568].mkv
MD5: B0F9D84C1FF4700FB08744DF284AC559

36 thoughts to “Captain Tsubasa J – 35”

  1. Why did he glue the ball to his head? Is this show about mentally-handicapped people finding the joys of sport? Or am I getting my hopes up too much?

  2. As for 1-33, that material of those episodes has been covered by both CT the original series, and also CT2K2… 34 is just a sum-up episode…

  3. Oh GOD !!! I was waiting for someone to sub this season of Captain Tsubasa! Since it is my favorite of all!! >.< Thanks guys!! (How wonderful it is going to be if u subbed the whole season, even 1-34) It's gonna be HEAVEN *-* ~~ <3 Good luck!

  4. Juggen-san .. yes I read it and I understand ur reasons perfectly .. yeah it was just me fantasizing about the whole season being subbed XD ~ And I’m very happy u’r bringing it to us! Thank u very very much ^_^

  5. you are awesome guys! now I remembered old days :’)
    please continue 😀

    I hope someday you continue Slam Dunk :'(

  6. Sorry, read it after I asked and couldn’t delete the question. Aw well, it doesn’t matter either way, Frenchies is doing the first series anyway.

  7. Yeah, the status update is that every time someone asks a question about when things are gonna be released, or where it’s at, we delay it with one week 😀

  8. i just want to say i really want to see from the begining of captain tsubasa J episodes because i haven’t seen them in japanese dub in english subtitle can you please air theme because i can’t find captain tsubasa J episodes anywhere please i beg of you saizen fansub

  9. I prefer the original Captain Tsubasa for the beginning story, it’s much details than CT2k2 🙂

  10. If it wasn’t so damn long I would’ve started that instead of CT2K2, but finishing such a long series is not very realistic.

  11. I know it’s hard and it seems that you’ve got a lot of requests but can you please sub the rest of the episodes? I really like this series more than the others.

  12. sangofe said: Yeah, the status update is that every time someone asks a question about when things are gonna be released, or where it’s at, we delay it with one week

    What?! Is that why they the original series isn’t releasing new eps?! I feel so stupid! I wish I knew this. Oh well 🙁 I’m so impatient for you to finish the original CT series that I feel like paying you to get the rest of the series! Do you think you could post this policy so people won’t ask? I really want this series!

  13. He wasn’t serious, Cristiano. We release new episodes of all our series when they’re ready for release. What this means is, you’ll have to learn some patience because things get done when they get done. No amount of complaining about the speed will get the episodes out quicker.

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