Yawara – 81-82

Another double release, more Yawara, still no AnJ, and so on… ^^
Pray to the gods or something, seems like we could need it. If you plan to whine about it, take a vacation, like Fujiko and Yawara, or were they supposed to be playing at the World Championchips? Yawara is at least, and Master Jigoro seems to be planning something… =)

CCCP icon[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_81_[DVD][17A2CB09].mkv
MD5: 5870D14104BC250928BD08885E21B77A
CCCP icon[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_82_[DVD][D6A607A9].mkv
MD5: 134A36BD0B312B59C8B830C46E7D84A0

8 thoughts to “Yawara – 81-82”

  1. Yes yes yes ~ !!!

    You guys made my weekend (which begins on Wednesdays and ends rudely every Friday morning).

    AnJ rocks but we can wait… if I get too desperate I can watch the Yamapi movie version… I *still* haven’t plucked up the courage…

    Anyways, thanks and more thanks!

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