Managed to put out a 4-day special in some weird way. Think of it as a belated Christmas present from Saizen I suppose. ^^ All happen to be from joints though, so you better thank them too. 😉
Apparently there’s a new series of PoT starting now, too. First episode is out, so go and check it out! I myself haven’t watched it, and isn’t really that much of a PoT fan to be honest, so you’re better of making up your own opinion. ^^
Oh, and we’re not doing it, probably won’t do the other (new) ovas nor the movies either. I’m sure you will be able to get ’em from someone else though.
Also, don’t forget to visit Ryugan and say hi. 🙂

MD5: 59333AFA2A7651AE911B4B96853B6EE4
Okay, technically it wasn’t 4 days in a row, considering it’s past midnight. But I don’t care. 🙂
Oh dear, if you guys aren’t going to do the other ovas & movie, I don’t know who else are going to sub it. Darn!
2se-subs!(2se) are doing Another Story II.
CR-rippers doing season 2 TV-series.
Don’t think the movie is out yet.
Only the series is a real sequel anyways, rest is just filler.
Thanks RyuZen for this great ep, about the new series … I think that i’ll wait till i see good group pick it … as my brother said after watching the first ep .. it’s really good.
SD Project is starting up a project for the new series, but we’ll see how that goes… they have a history for being really slow and dropping in the end. I have, however, said I want to help them QC. I’m gonna try to see if I can get a translator and editor for the last few OAV’s and the movie though, so ignore what Juggen said.
I said probably, you know. Also, you realize I’ll be part of the team then, right? Ignore me… Pfft. ^^
I hope you guys don’t take offense on this, but… will you please please please subtitle Area no Kishi?
When it comes to sports related anime, you guys are my one and only… the absolute best in the field… and I’m not joking…
Well, just wondering…
We don’t see any point of subbing stuff that CR is subbing, especially when there are so many rips of it.
What sangofe said. Rather work on stuff that don’t have subs, or poor subs-only.
Update for pot “another story 2”. We’re likely to do it, only need a timer and one more qc and we’ll have a full team =)
yaay, Thanks Sangofe and your upcoming staff too 😀
Hi there!! Thank you so much for subbing this! I own the DVD but as I don`t understand Japanese enough, I was lookign foward to the sub version XD
m(_ _)m arigatou!!
Will Anther Story II episode 2 (aka Another Story 4) be subbed as well? If it already was, or will by another Fansub, could someone send me the link?
Thanks agaaain!!!
Yes, we’ve got staff for the next oav set now as well, Mel Keigo.
Mel Keigo: would you like to provide dvd isos (rips) for Another Story II?
@sangofe: woaah that is awesome to hear!!
If I can be of any help I’ll try my best!
I’ve never extracted isos(rips) from any DVD, is there a program I should use to do it best?
Thank you for answering me (^-^)/
Here 🙂 http://www.howtodothings.com/computers-internet/how-to-create-iso-image
@sangofe: Thank you!! Do I decrypt normally or select the option to make it ISO?
I decrypted the first DVD (not making it ISO) of two and it’s 3GB. How can I send this to you?
@sangofe: Oh never mind my question. XP After I create the ISO files, how can I send them to you? (>_<;)
send me an e-mail: sangofe@gmail.com and I’ll explain to you.
I’ve just sent the e-mail (^_^)
And I’ve replied. Good luck.