Took a bit longer than it usually does, guess some of the blame (most?) is on me, exams and courses that finish, seminars, typical shit period in univeristy. ^^
Will hopefully have enough time and strength to at least help out on a few projects a bit now and then, but for now, go ahead and enjoy the match between Sayaka and Beanpole. ^^
Thanks for this great old school anime!
Fujiko needs her own chant… Go! Go! Fu-ji-ko!
Thanks so much for the release. You must be geniuses if you can please a Speedmetalotaku and a Junglist with the same release, innit!
You could think this was Beck or Detroit Metal City. Yet it is judo. ^^
I missed when this was first released, but when I try to download it now the link for the torrent is no good. Could you upload it again? I desperately need my Yawara! Thanks!!!
Oh, we released a batch some time ago. You can find it here: