Here’s another episode with your favorite judo girl. And if you’re wondering what happened to Frostii’s site, well, some smartass company apparently hijacked it cause it happened to expire. ^^
Here’s another episode with your favorite judo girl. And if you’re wondering what happened to Frostii’s site, well, some smartass company apparently hijacked it cause it happened to expire. ^^
oh well, thanks Frozen-Evil, you’re on fire so keep that fire aflame 😀
keep the good work going !!!!!!!!
Ah, you made my week!
Also, thanks to Skr and urasawa fan for responding re: manga! I’ll probably start with 20th Century Boys due to price/availability… but don’t worry, intricate/odd writing styles suit me best (I always preferrred Burroughs to Kerouac).
And hey, sangofe, didn’t you think the main dude from Monster is a bit… well, a bit Kazamatsuri-looking?
Getting kinda off-point here, so back to the main point…
Huzzah! Huzzah! Ya-wa-rah! (Imagine this show dubbed in British, lol!)
If the fire gets kept alive, the FroZen Evil will melt and die out, so I vote against it ;p
LOL, the Evil ones are bound to thrive in the fire, but we wanna keep our chilly friends so keep the burner turned off ;D
oh that sounds terrible!!, go Freeze your ultimate joint and keep it Frozen 😀
So, just asking because ive been waiting but, when will some of joe come out?
I missed when this was first released, but when I try to download it now the link for the torrent is no good. Could you upload it again? I desperately need my Yawara! Thanks!!!