Hello people!
Had you waiting there, didn’t we? Well it’s all over now!
I hope you all enjoyed it, cause I almost literary did nothing but sub this show when it was airing to keep up with its high pace. Scab never told me the show would have non-stop signs throughout the whole episodes… At least timing went nice and smooth…
Have to thank the rest of the staff too for their hard work, and Swan for helping out when goof decided to take a vacation. And even though FalseDawn couldn’t keep up with the pace till the end, we still like him. <3
Anyway, I'll check off yet another series completed by the very successful (minus the BSODs) joint we call FroZen.
Project leader & encoder - Scab
Translator - Serika
Editor - FalseDawn
Timer - Juggen
Typesetter - Juggen
Afx typesetters - goof & Swan
QCs - Oracle`, Rosti, Juggen, Scab & Majii
EDIT: Batch updated with ep9v2.
Congrats ~ I bet it must feel good to be done.
I tried to watch ep 9 in both mplayer and VLC on linux and it cuts out at about 7:22 and doesn’t come back until about 9:40.
Who said we’re not devoted fansubbers?
scab:lovely… file confirmed broken. only damn thing I did after QC’ing it was copying from one HDD to another; guess something went badly wrong there ._.
me:the moshidora curse continues
Juggen:buy a new hdd, Scab ^^
Scab: guess I’m hiking back home to fix this, no one else has the non-broken vid..
bbl 1h
Issue reproduced and fixed. Hop on the new torrent.
I’m actually reading the Management book by Peter Drucker right now.
“The Moshidora curse continues”
What’s more, the latest release of CCCP doesn’t seem to like playing episodes 1-4. Switching ffdshow’s AAC audio decoder from libavcodec to libfaad2 seems to do the trick.
Srsly… ^^; This probably isn’t the only show that is affected though.
It looks as though the problem might be due to the way it handles the mono audio in the first four episodes.
Channel(s) : 1 channel
Channel positions : Front: C
It’s not mono, that’s a misdetection due to how NHK handles the audio. Use libfaad2.
indeed, even ffdshow_rev3943_20110718 fails to handle it..