Before I do anything else, I must apologize to everyone for the delay in the release of this episode. It started with a change in staff (more about this later) and then “real life” intervened a couple of times. However, I’m happy to report that the releases of Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 should start picking up again soon.
The debate continues… Several days ago, it was brought to my attention that somebody didn’t like the fact that we use “soccer” instead of “football” in our subtitles. Although this decision was made long before I joined the group, I want to take a moment to give y’all my “two cent” regarding this matter. Being a British Premier League (and now an npower Championship League) fan, I must admit that I was a bit disappointed when I found out that Saizen was using “soccer” rather than “football” (and “game” instead of “match”). After thinking about it, I came up with a couple of possible reasons why this decision was made:
- American English is being used throughout this series. In America, this sport is know as “soccer” – probably to differentiate it from the “pigskin” kind of football that’s so popular here for whatever reason (Don’t get me started on that topic!).
- The word “soccer” is actually spoken throughout this series. Because we subtitle what’s spoken, we use “soccer”.
As the current editor for this series and as a fan of (British) football, I would love to start using what many would consider to be the more accurate term (“football”), but I won’t. For one main reason – consistency. I strongly believe that consistency throughout a series should be maintained. So, I hope that viewers won’t be so caught up in the “soccer” vs “football” debate that they miss what is turning out to be an exciting series dedicated to our favourite sport – football!
Yes, Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 is fast becoming an exciting series, and this episode is proof positive that what I’m saying is true. Tsubasa and his teammates are facing France in the semifinals of the International Youth Soccer (read: football) Championship. The pressure mounts as a lot of the action so common in this sport (cards and collisions) occur during the first half of this match… er… game. Who gets what colour card? What’s the score at the end of the first half? Who collides with whom? These are all questions you’ll have to answer for yourself by downloading and watching ep 26 of Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002. Oh, and please don’t forget to post a comment about this ep. The rest of the CT2002 staff and I enjoy reading comments about our work on your behalf.
Earlier, I mentioned a change in staff and that there would be more about this later. Well… Now’s the time! Ready? Hope so ‘cuz here it comes. Shortly before the release of ep 25, lily, my co-editor, disappeared for a while. Turned out she was taking advantage of an exciting “real life” opportunity – a grant to pursue her graduate studies. While I was putting the finishing touches on ep 25, she was moving into a (free) college dorm room where she’ll be living while she works of what sounds like a very interesting project. Because her studies will likely take up a good portion of her time (something all of you students out there should know firsthand!), she has relinquished her editorial duties to me. So, I’d like to take this opportunity to shine the “Staff Spotlight” on lily for the work she’s done on this series. Thanks, lily, AND good luck in your current endeavour. I’m looking forward to hearing how it’s going for ya.
Oh! I also want to welcome Rosti. He’s a QCer AND this project’s newest staff member. Welcome aboard, Rosti. I’m looking forward to working with you on future eps. Thanks for being there for me just before release.
Okay, I’ve finished “speaking my mind”. So…? What are you waiting for now? Go download episode 26 of this exciting football… er… soccer series!! Get download!!

MD5: 5ee21b1122ff977a46a3714b3088d80f
Thanks Torianna for your efforts, also i’d like to say ‘Welcome’ to “Rosti” too :).
Indeed, thanks for taking your time to do this. I really do appreciate this =)
I used to read Captain Tsubasa manga when I was little. Watching this sure brings back memories. Love the game on SNES too. Thanks for your hard work!!
Thanks for QCing, Tvo.
Cheers Torianna.
For the record, I’m also a fairly devout follower of the Premiership (and for a reasonable time went under the name of ‘Rosti LFC’), and I agree with the release post. We could switch to using the word “football”, and if we were starting from scratch and I had my way, then we would (and while I was being tyrannical I’d insist we also use En-GB grammar and spelling, but that’s a different matter…), but as we’re not starting from scratch, it make smore sense to keep with the minor wrongdoings of our less-informed predecessors.
Ignoring the football/soccer issue, I’ll at least be doing my best to try and keep the rest of the script in line with general football terminology.
For me at least, i see soccer suit it more than football, since they say it soccer soccer soccer, it won’t be good to sub it ‘football’ while the meaning of it is obvious as soccer 😀
Whew! Wasn’t sure if anybody was going to actually read ALL of my post since it was SO long. Thanks,everyone, for the support regarding the football/soccer debate AND for taking the time to respond to my release post.
Lalander: Glad the series is bringing back memories. Traipsing down memory lane is fun, especially when the memories are pleasant.
Tvo and Rosti: Thanks for keeping me in line when it comes to proper football terminology. I love the sport, but have yet to master all of the terminology — though I think editing this series is definitely expanding my football vocabulary!
ninjacloud: Subbing what’s actually said makes a lot of sense, and that’s why we switched from “Goal!” to “Get goal!” after a couple of eps! Seeing “Goal!” when I was hearing “Get goal!” started bothering me, so I wielded my “editorial sword” and changed it (though I DID ask for permission first).
Everyone: Your “thank yous” makes all of our efforts on this series worthwhile. Besides, it’s football! How can I NOT enjoy editing it?!
Oh, I forgot something…
Rosti, since you’re also a fairly devout follower of the Premiership, who’s your favourite team in the Premier League? I’ll tell you my favourite team IF you’ll tell me yours! Deal?
Nice explanation, Torianna. I really can see you enjoy your project! And a warm welcome to you Rosti :).
Where I can find torrents for first 12 episodes, because on page I can see only episiodes from 13 to current (26 today) 🙁
you can get them from saizen bot if torrent is slow
thnx for link, I assume that on Saizen all episodes will be avialble when They finish whole project?
1-26 already there on saizen|archive bot
Replay, I guess we’ll make a batch torrent when we reach that point.