The International Junior Youth Championship has finally begun! How will Japan’s team perform against the best teams in the world? Check out ep 23 of Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002!

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The International Junior Youth Championship has finally begun! How will Japan’s team perform against the best teams in the world? Check out ep 23 of Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002!
Welcome into the team, by the way, Torianna 🙂
You’re awesome, thanks Torianna for your efforts 🙂
And thank you for another excellent release!
thanks for recently fast releases, by the way, it should be Gino, not Zino 🙂
Kaiser: What, where?
Zino Hernandez – throughout all of ep23. (Probably)
it’s at 10:31, 17:13, 17:41, 17:59, 22:13 of episode 23
lol, we spelled “Tsubasa-kun” wrongly at 17:00 too… Maybe we should consider one more QC and a v2 for this episode…
“Zino” appears to be the official romanization
woo ow !!!, that’s really awesome from you Sangofe !!, about v2 idea is admin matter but it seems Zino is the right thing after all !! -[v2 for 17:00 would be cool too lol]-
Nah, we will not bother do make a v2 for one bad spelling. Rather focus on next episodes.
mmm, i don’t mind actually since it’s only one small mistake, i can edit it myself .. also for it’s timing too 🙂
Looking for next one 🙂
What is wrong with the timing? 24 will take a few days; it is currently in edit, actually 24-31 are all in edit, 32@timing/tlc.
i am not expert in timing actually, but i edited my ep from 16:59.66 to 16:59.77 so it fits that frame 🙂
[i know this is not irc but i am away to sleep lol]
Wanna take Saizen’s timing and or QC test?
So far, I have seen some mistakes in official romanizations of non-Japanese CT characters, for example, in one of the data books, it says Calros Santana instead Carlos Santana. The name Zino Hernandez comes from that same databook. So it is a clue that this is a wrong romanization. There are some other examples. But my point is that other than that databook, in every CT community it is always used as Gino, it should be the true one. You can check out some CT communities about this if you want. Zino just doesn’t sound right, Gino sounds more natural.
I know it “sounds” better, Kaiser, and in my original tl I had “Gino”, but it got changed during TLC. You should like you know a fair bit of tsubasa though, so would you like to join as a qc?
I love CT, I love your project, so of course I’d like to join if I can help you 🙂
Also, too, people can’t decide whether the last name of the title character is “Oozora” or “Ohzora.” Obviously we based it off a brief scene in the episode.
TLDR, welcome to the world of crapshoot Japanese romanization.
Yes, I *used* the name romanziation because of a banner in earlier episodes. Kaiser – send an e-mail to and try out for the QC test, please 🙂