The Kabocha Wine dropped

This probably doesn’t come as a big surprise to those of you who’ve been waiting for ep7 since September, but this joint is dropped as AKF unfortunately no longer has time to translate. If you happen to know Japanese and want to revive this, feel free to drop me a line here or on Rizon and we may be able to get things going again. Until then though, this project is positively dead.

22 thoughts to “The Kabocha Wine dropped”

  1. just a question “suppose if a fan was willing to pay for translation would you consider hiring one and getting this or any other stalled show (say slam dunk) up and running?”

    1. It would be up to each individual project leader/group, but I don’t see why not. I’d certainly consider it for Kabocha.

          1. @ sangofe: well unfortunately no one at my end, infact i myself dont understand japanese or else i wouldn’t have let slam dunk and kabocha wine go to the verge of being stalled/dropped.

        1. ZZZ, it varies. Please come on IRC (#saizen on Rizon) or email us ( if you want to discuss this in more detail.

      1. sorry to beat a dead horse, but i know Kevo over at ColorMeSubbed was interested in Kabocha. perhaps CMS and Saizen could revive this? i was offering my services to him as an editor/translator, but the current state of my computer makes anything more than watching…..precarious, to say the least. (*is currently booting solely from a CD*)

  2. well guys i am making sub this kobocha wine..made till ep 13 ^^ so please wait and help me
    my fb link
    i hope in few month i can finish this whole 95 ep πŸ™‚ so please message me if you want it thank you

    1. Uh, well, Scab has been pretty much MIA for almost a year now, so I doubt we’ll do it without him.

      Same time, keep pumping out scripts and who knows what might happen. No promises though.

      Good luck πŸ™‚

      1. I’d be personally interested, if it wasn’t for that I’ve got a busy real life, and too many projects at this time.

  3. I literally just discovered this anime yesterday, and I’ve re-watched all 7 episodes like 3 times now, I would love if this could ever be picked up again, and I’d be willing to give any donations if possible to make it happen. It’s so unfair how little attention this anime has, it’s so good…

    1. Never say never, but there are no plans to pick it up again. It’s hard enough finding any TLs who want to do old stuff, never mind a series with 95 eps.

  4. Hi guys at Saizen,

    Back in the year 2011 I had a chat with you guys when due to non availability of TL the both shows was stalled/dropped. Since back in the day I wasn’t having any job therefore I was stuck & when I asked whether the show would be continued if I wished to pay for translations.

    After reading comments I feel highly demotivated that perhaps you guys may not consider reviving these shows despite the fact that I am now able to pay for translations.

    Still I would ask can you guys revive these shows?

  5. zzz: I can’t answer for others but I’m barely able to keep up with timing laughing salesman now because of how my life’s become, and it won’t be less busy for the next coming 3 years, so I have to back out of what I said (nearly) 4 years ago. But does your proposition mean you know good, professional translators (and by that I mean people who know both Japanese and English well) you’d pay to translate this if we’d be able to get a team behind it?

  6. Hi,
    it seems the project is dead?There is a demand for a Fansub on the internet. I am willing to donate for this project, too.


  7. The series has been subbed to Episode 34, and is seems to be active, but I can’t find out what group is doing it or where they are posting. Does anybody know?

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