And here comes episode 7 for you! In this episode, Kabamaru goes to a stunt show where he sees this exciting motorbike stunt! He also runs for a bit, but that’s probably not as interesting to the plotline as the above snapshot. Enjoy!
If you’re archiving our releases, get the v2, otherwise ignore. ^^
Also, if you think you have got the right skills to help us out, please apply by sending an e-mail to
OMG another episode, this quickly?Is it true or am i dreaming?Thank you guys very much.Unexpected gifts are always better
lol, i thought it was for another anime, because i didn’t get what’s in this pic, but I laughed a lot after couple of mins.
Thanks Saizen team and welcome back FalseDawn :).
Awesome guys, thank you so much for subbing this series. Really wanted to see up to this episode too – I was going to hold off until you subbed the whole series, but I couldn’t resist in the end!
Good luck with the rest!
Ganbatte kudasai!
Wow! The fansub project goes faster than I expected. Thanks a lot for your work!
Wow, you sure are speeding up.
Hope you can finish Taisho Yakyuu Musume at this pace
thank you a lot ^^
wow, the 7th episode??? didn’t know you worked that hard…
thanx a million times over and over again
please keep up the brilliant work…
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you….
i’ve been searching for this for a long time, thank you so much for your work and please don’t drop the project
Do people honestly think what they say matters? If we want to drop, we do, if not, we don’t.
When are you gonna be back, sangofe? saizen isn’t what it used to be without you.. although the other members (juggen, scab, etc.) are still very important..
sangofe, what’s the matter with u???
people thank those who translate it because they can’t express their thanks any other way, if u don’t want people to thank u, just say it nicely, u don’t have to be rude…
He probably don’t like the endless questions about if we will drop a show.
What he’s trying to say is, do you actually believe we would pick something up without wanting to finish it? It can’t be helped if not everyone works 24/7, hence a project can be quite long, which may lead to possible staff drawbacks.
I hope you see the problem around fansubbing as a hobby.
No, we’re not dropping it. Surprise! ^^;
enjoying the work on a show seems the main factor of it’s success
… => looking for more smile faces guys 
I simply said never because I do not intend to go back to fansubbing like I did… lol.
seems sad news
I don’t think that was the reply Farah was refering to, but nvm. We’re all happy happy around Saizen for the time being.
Happy happy news for me since fansubbing really messed up my life at times
Lol, nice to hear that for me who is applying, sangofe.
Fansubbing sucks. Fact.
Btw, Takeshi. How about sending in those tests soon? ^^;
Damn, I didn’t know it had been that long. I’ll send them in relatively soon.
Hmm… 10 days perhaps?
I don’t mind, though.
I’ve watched this whole series in Arabic dub when I was young, and I’m really glad that you guys brought me back these wonderful memories.
I would like to see the whole thing again with the original Japanese dub with English subs.
I can’t wait for the rest of the episodes. ^^
Thank you very much.
Best wishes,
FalseDawn is busy with real life work at the moment (and can’t be replaced).
i know some of his ongoing projects, and almost all of them stalled till he back, so i am sure he’s special editor
The best.