So, Rukawa is pissed, want to find out why? No? Sure you do, the links are down below. =)
On a more serious note, I plan to drop/stall this after episode 26, make a batch, work on some other shows, and hopefully continue this in a not too distant future.
It won’t be as Saizen then, though. No hard feelings, m’kay? We did our best up to this point.
Thanks for understanding.
Thanks alot for the new episodes. I hope that you will find the time to continue subbing this great series.
Thanks for your hard work on this wonderful anime! It was really appeciated!
Thanks for subbing this anime until now, i will be waiting for you to continue this wonderful anime in the near future.
nooooooo, the most awaited from u guys is slam dunk.
I would rather you drop this show right now (since this show never actually got “finished”) and perhaps put more time into Taishou Yakyuu Musume (I have been patiently wait since…forever), but that’s just me.
Please collaborate with any other group and finish this series along with the movies and side stories…
Slam Dunk and Rainbow are the only anime I keep coming back for. Please don’t drop it.
Noooooooooooo, Sakuragiiiii!
Thank you for all your hard work!
Don’t drop this precious classic anime. Thanks for the hard work.
Thanks for the hard work, this is the best work I’ve seen one this anime, it’s a pity you are dropping it, I was hoping to get if not the entire series, until episode 28 to see the fansub version of the second ending…
Anyway, Thanks anyway!! Keep the good work
Ep25-26 got ED2.
one of the best anime ever <3, getting a good sub for this anime was my dream, please dont let it go 🙁
thanx for your awesome job and efforts
Are you really funnurabaing this, Juggen…?
We’ll see. I’ve got some stuff to take care of first.
Oh man that sucks… but you prolly got other priorities set =]
Good job
Please seed this